
Despite COVID-19 challenges, i+solutions maintains excellent delivery performance of 92% OTIF.

COVID-19 creates challenges for everyone. The global supply chain landscape has changed enormously over the last 6 months and i+solutions also faced many issues. Despite of these challenges, we have done everything we could to deliver on time.

The problems we had to deal with included:

• Supplier production delays due to reduced capacity and delayed delivery of raw materials and active ingredients

• Limited transportation capacity, specifically reduced passenger flights and cargo space

• Increasing freight rates with shorter validity

• Clearance and delivery challenges at destination with lower port capacity and inland border restrictions

i+solutions has navigated these challenges by remaining agile and maintaining close relationships with suppliers, transporters and its recipients. COVID-19 has also represented an opportunity for innovation, prompting us to execute alternative supply chain strategies such as increased consolidation of products at origin and overland trucking where air capacity is scarce.

i+solutions’ delivery on-time performance was 92% over Q2 and Q3. During this period, we delivered a range of life saving health products to a broad range of recipients in over 50 countries with a value of 225M $. These deliveries of antiretroviral therapy (HIV), anti-malarial treatment and personal protective equipment ensured health programs could continue as planned despite the pandemic. We are very proud of our performance, especially as it reflects our determination to ensure life-saving health programs can continue, despite the changing global landscape.

Interested to learn how we can help you deliver commodities on time? Contact info@iplussolutions.org for more information.