Uganda commissioning Lira Hospital

Another oxygen plant commissioning took place yesterday at Lira Hospital in Uganda! Yesterday, we commissioned, on behalf of the Global Fund, the oxygen plant and building at Lira Regional Referral Hospital in Uganda. Lira RRH, a public hospital funded by the Uganda Ministry of Health, serves nine districts and Lira City in the Lango sub-region […]

Impact of pharmaceutical access programs in LMICs

A few weeks ago, i+solutions’ Martin Mugisha had an interesting conversation with Dennis Choguya, Sales and Marketing Manager of Varichem Pharmaceuticals from Zimbabwe, about the impact of the Sanofi access program in Zimbabwe and the challenges the local pharmaceutical market faces. Through the Impact Brand, Sanofi guarantees accessible prices to patients in low and middle […]

World Oxygen Day 2024!

Tomorrow, we celebrate World Oxygen Day 2024! The importance of medical oxygen for patients and lack thereof in many countries became painfully clear during the Covid-19 outbreak. In 2020, at the height of the pandemic, The Global Fund (TGF) initiated the Covid-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) to strengthen implementing countries’ health and community systems, prioritising medical oxygen, […]

First turnkey containerized oxygen plants handover took place in Mauritania

It has been a long road, but a few weeks ago two PSA oxygen plants supplied by Afrimed officially handed over to the Mauritanian government. i+solutions ensured the procurement of the oxygen plants, construction at the hospital site, installation, commissioning of the plants and training of the local staff, making this a turnkey solution!  The […]

Increasing access to medicines through local sourcing and procurement

i+solutions strongly recognizes the role of regional suppliers in contributing to the public health environment and believes their success brings significant value to making quality affordable medicines more accessible to patients. Since 2015, i+solutions has a strong partnership with Universal Corporation Ltd, Kenya (Universal). Universal is one of few African manufacturers to have obtained WHO […]

Medical oxygen plants project

In 2021, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic when the world experienced huge oxygen shortages, i+solutions was awarded oxygen equipment and consumables as an additional product category to its Global Fund pooled procurement mechanism agreement. Among others, we started procuring medical Pressure Swing Absorption (PSA) oxygen plants for hospitals in low and middle income […]

World TB day

Today is World TB day! This year’s theme is “Yes! We Can End TB” because it is in our collective power to end tuberculosis by 2030 and reach the sdg goals. Worldwide, one person in four carries the bacteria causing tuberculosis in his or her body. Fortunately, only part of them develop active TB. Unfortunately, […]

World Aids Day

Today, on World Aids Day, we ask attention for the ongoing fight against HIV and aids. Every week 4900 girls and young women acquire HIV, most of them in Sub Sahara Africa (Source: UNAIDS). HIV infections are rising globally after years of decline. As we still do not have a cure for this disease, prevention […]

Shipment with donations to Ukraine

The war in Ukraine has been ongoing for almost 4 months now and the end is not in sight. Demand for medical supplies remains very high in Ukraine, not just on the frontline. i+solutions responded a few months ago by setting up a crowd funding to collect funds to buy medical supplies from the organisations […]

End inequalities. End AIDS. End Pandemics

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on the fight against HIV/AIDS in 2020, according to a report released by the Global Fund in September. Key programmatic results have declined for the first time since the Global Fund was installed. And these effects are ongoing, as long as the pandemic controls our world. Continued […]